Unfortunately, due to reasons of confidentiality I can't talk about my job. I hope for your understanding. Anything else in general is fine to talk.
仕事に関して、守秘義務があれば、英語で「Unfortunately, due to reasons of confidentiality I can't talk about my job.」と言えます。
その後、「ご了承ください」は英訳すれば、「I hope for your understanding」になります。
最後に「一般的な見解であれば、話せます」は「Anything else in general is fine to talk.」と言えます。
最終的な英文:「Unfortunately, due to reasons of confidentiality I can't talk about my job. I hope for your understanding. Anything else in general is fine to talk.」
"Please be understanding but I am bound by duty of confidentiality and therefore I cannot answer."
- "Please be understanding but I am bound by duty of confidentiality and therefore I cannot answer."
"please be understanding" 「ご了承ください」
"duty of confidentiality" 「守秘義務」
"I am bound by ~" 「〜に限られた」
"I am bound by my duty of confidentiality" 「守秘義務に限られた」・「守秘義務がある」
"therefore ~" 「ので ~」
"I cannot answer" 「答えられません」