"Compared to other developed nations, Japan's rate of inoculation is still low."
- "Compared to other developed nations, Japan's rate of inoculation is still low."
"compared to ~" 「に比べて」
"other developed nations" 「他の先進国」
"Japan's rate of inoculation" 「日本のワクチンの接種率」
"rate of inoculation" 「ワクチンの接種率」"rate of vaccination" も使えます。
"still low" 「まだ低い」
Japan’s vaccination rate is still lower compared to other developed countries.
- **Japan’s vaccination rate is still lower compared to other developed countries.**
直訳すると「日本のワクチン接種率は他の先進国と比べてまだ低い」という意味になります。「vaccination rate」は「ワクチン接種率」を指し、「compared to」は「〜に比べて」を意味します。
- **Japan is lagging behind other developed countries in terms of vaccination rate.**
「日本はワクチン接種率の面で他の先進国に遅れを取っている」という意味になります。「lagging behind」は「遅れを取っている」というニュアンスを持ちます。
- Japan’s vaccination rate is still lower compared to other developed countries, and many people are concerned about the pace.
- Japan is lagging behind other developed countries in terms of vaccination rate, which has led to criticism.
- **Vaccination rate**(接種率)
- **Lagging behind**(遅れを取っている)
- **Developed countries**(先進国)
- **Pace**(進行速度)