People that protect peace and security hope nothing unexpected happens.
例:People that preserve peace and security...
「何も起きないことが一番いい」はthe best thing is when nothing happensに訳せます。そのまま使ってもいいです。
例:People that protect peace and security think that the best thing is when nothing happens.
The people that keep the peace and safety believe that nothing happening is best.
「治安や平和を守る人が「何も起きないことが一番いい」」は英語で「The people that keep the peace and safety believe that nothing happening is best.」と言います。平和を守るは「protect peace」でも大丈夫だと思いますが、「keep the peace」はより自然だと思います。
The people that keep the peace and safety told me that they believe that nothing happening is best, and I agree.