People don't have to go repeatedly to the bank because they can do money transfer, check account balance, and withdraw or deposit money in a convenient store's ATM.
「振り込む」は「money transfer」や「bank deposit transfer」と言います。実は2つの中に「money transfer」の方がよく使います。
また、「人々は毎回銀行に行かなくてもコンビニのATMで振り込み・残高照会・出金が出来ます」を英訳すれば、「People don't have to go repeatedly to the bank because they can do money transfer, check account balance, and withdraw or deposit money in a convenient store's ATM.」になります。
to send money from one's account to another person's
ーto do a bank transfer
ーto send money from one's account to another person's
You don't have to go to the bank every time you want to transfer funds, check your bank balance, or withdraw money. You can do it at an ATM at any convenience store.
to transfer funds で「振り込む」
to check one's bank balance で「残高照会をする」
to withdraw money で「出金する・お金を引き出す」