I often speak to myself in my room, but looking at it from a different perspective I seem like a suspicious person.
I often talk to myself in my room, but I'm afraid someone who overhears me might think I'm weird.
「部屋で独り言よく言うから、はたから見ると不審者みたい」は英語で「I often speak to myself in my room, but looking at it from a different perspective I seem like a suspicious person.」と言えます。
最初は「I often speak to myself in my room」は「(私は)部屋で独り言よく言う」と言えます。この場合、和文で主語が分かりませんが、英文にて「I」にします。
そして、「but looking at it from a different perspective」は「別の立場を見ると」を表します。最後に「I seem like a a suspicious person」は「私は不審者みたいです」という意味です。
I often talk to myself in my room, but I'm afraid someone who overhears me might think I'm weird.