世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/14 14:03
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  • Did anyone come see us today?

come see 人 で「(人)に会いにくる、遊びに来る」という意味です。 会話でよく使います。 訪ねる、という意味の visit を使うこともできますが、あくまでも子供に聞いている設定なので、big wordは使わない方がいいでしょう。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Did any visitors come?

  • Did anyone came looking for me.

  • Did someone come by the house.

▪Did any visitors come? visitor=a person visiting someone or somewhere ▪Did anyone came looking for me. This is asking if anyone came to the house to come looking for you. ▪Did someone come by the house. come by= briefly as a visitor
▪Did any visitors come? visitor=人や場所を訪ねる人 ▪Did anyone came looking for me. これはあなたを訪ねて誰かが家に来たかどうかを聞く例文です。 ▪Did someone come by the house. come by= visitorとして立ち寄る
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Did anyone call?

  • Did anyone knock on the door while I was out?

To call = to make a brief visit "Henry called to pay his respects to his friend." To knock on someone's door = to press the doorbell of a building or rap on the door so as to inform the occupier that someone is 'at the door.' "Did anyone knock on the door while I was out?" "No, mummy, I was watching TV and nobody called."
To call =少しだけ顔を出すこと (英文)"Henry called to pay his respects to his friend." (訳)「ヘンリーは友達に敬意をしめすために少し顔を出した。」 To knock on someone's door = 玄関のベルを鳴らしたりしてドアの前にいることを知らせる事 (英文)"Did anyone knock on the door while I was out?" "No, mummy, I was watching TV and nobody called." (訳)「私が出かけている間誰かドアをノックした?」 「いいえ、お母さん。私はテレビを見ていて誰もノックしなかったよ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did anyone come over while I was gone?

  • Did someone come by while I was gone?

  • Did anyone drop by while I was out?

The phrase that you'd use would be "come by" or "drop by" or "stop by." It is important to include the preposition "by" at the end of these words. You can also use the phrase "come over," but usually this means the person stayed over or did not leave right away.
 "come by" "drop by"  "stop by."というフレーズがいいと思います。最後に"by"をつけるのが重要です。 "come over,"というフレーズも使えます。だいたい相手が泊まったりして即座に帰らなかったという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Did anyone come over?

  • Has anyone knocked on the door since I've been gone?

"Did anyone come over?" asks your child if anybody visited the house. "Has anyone knocked on the door since I've been gone?" is a way to ask if there were any visitors, but specifically when you were gone. I hope this helps
"Did anyone come over?" と子どもに聞くと、 だれかが家を訪ねてきたかどうかを聞いていることになります。 "Has anyone knoced on the door since I've been gone?" こちらもだれか訪ねてきたかどうかを訪ねていますが、 「私が不在にしていた間」といつのことかをハッキリさせています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Did anyone come by while I was out?

  • Did anybody stop by while I was gone?

You can use the phrasal verbs "come by" or "stop by" to talk about someone visiting you or a different location/place.
come by(立ち寄る)、またはstop by(立ち寄る)は、自分の所などを訪れた人を表す時に使えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Did anyone come to the house today?

  • Did anyone come by the house?

  • Did anyone knock on the door or ring the door bell?

"Did anyone come to the house today" refers to someone stopping by the house that might have been looking for you or someone else. When you say "Did anyone come by the house," it means the same things, but the word "by" is used in more casual manner. The last answer is very specifically asking is someone came to the house looking for you or anyone else.
"Did anyone come to the house today"はあなたやあなたの家族に会いに家に立ち寄った人のことについて触れています。 "Did anyone come by the house"も同じ意味ですが、"by"という単語を使うのはよりくだけた言い方です。 最後の解答は、誰かが家にやってきたか聞く、とても具体的な方法です。
Koda DMM英会話講師
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