世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/19 17:02
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  • I saw a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.

  • When I went to the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler there.

The most common way to explain that you saw something/someone at a specific place is to say "I saw (something/someone) at a/the (location)." It's the shortest and most concise way to explain what you saw and where you saw it. Or, in the second example, you could state where you went to first and then what you saw: "When I went to the (location), I saw a (person/thing) there." This expression is also used, but it is more wordy.
特定の場所で何かや誰かを見たことを説明するもっとも一般的表現は、"I saw (物/人) at a/the (場所)"です。見たものと見た場所を説明するもっとも簡潔な短い表現です。もしくは2つ目の例のように、どこに行ったかを最初に伝えてから何を見たかを伝えることもできます。"When I went to the (場所), I saw a (人/物) there"。この表現も使用されますが、より長くなります。
Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • I saw a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.

  • There was a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.

  • At the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler.

"I saw a sumo wrestler at the supermarket." - In this sentence you are telling someone what you saw, the subject being the 'sumo wrestler' and then also going further to share the location where the subject has been seen, namely the supermarket. "At the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler. " - This sentence conveys the same meaning as the first, the sentence order is just different.
"I saw a sumo wrestler at the supermarket." この例文では、あなたが見た人が「相撲取り」であることを伝えており、さらにその見た場所がスーパーマーケットであったことを伝えています。 "At the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler. " この例文では、最初の例文と同じ意味を伝えていますが、表現の順番が違います。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • There was a sumo wrestler at the supermarket!

  • I went to the supermarket and I saw a sumo wrestler.

  • I was so excited to see a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.

Usually when sharing information like this there is a reason. You may add an emotion or adjective regarding why you are sharing the information. You could say I was happy to see a sumo wrestler at the supermarket. You could add an adjective to describe the sumo wrestler to your sentence as well, "I went to the super market and saw a good looking sumo wrestler". Or you can just clearly state the obvious, "There was a sumo wrestler at the supermarket".
通常このような情報を共有するのには理由があります。この情報を共有する際の気持ちや形容詞を追加するとよいでしょう。I was happy to see a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.(スーパーでお相撲さんに会えてうれしかった)と言うことができます。また、文章にお相撲さんを説明する形容詞を追加してもよいでしょう。"I went to the super market and saw a good looking sumo wrestler"(スーパーに行ったら、男前のお相撲さんを見かけた)あるいは明らかなことをただ伝えてもよいでしょう。"There was a sumo wrestler at the supermarket"(スーパーにお相撲さんがいた)
Laura M DMM英会話講師
  • When I was at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler.

  • I saw a sumo wrestler at the supermarket.

The above sentences mean the same thing but structured differently. Example: A:When I was at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler. B:Oh wow,lucky you. Did you get an autograph
どちらも同じ意味ですが文章の構造が少し違います。 例 A:When I was at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler. (スーパーにいた時に相撲取りを見た) B:Oh wow,lucky you. Did you get an autograph (ラッキーだったね。サインを貰った?)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I saw a sumo wrestler in the supermarket

  • Guess who I saw in the supermarket? A sumo wrestler!

You may just state what it is you saw and where: "I saw a train going through a tunnel." You may add as much detail as you like: ""I saw a train going through a tunnel, last Friday." Or you could make your story more captivating by playing "Guess who?"
以下のように何をどこで見たかをいうかもしれません。 "I saw a train going through a tunnel." トンネルに入っていく電車を見ました。 もっと詳細を追加することも可能です。 ""I saw a train going through a tunnel, last Friday." 先週の金曜日トンネルに入っていく電車を見ました。 もっと聴き手を惹きつけるために"Guess who?"(誰だと思いますか)のような文を追加することもできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I saw a sumo wrestler when I went to the supermarket

  • When I went to the supermarket I saw a sumo wrestler

When you want to say you saw something somewhere then the simpiliest way to say that is 'I saw a............................ when I went to ............................' another way to say this is 'when I went to the supermarket I saw a sumo wrestler'
どこかで何かを見たと言いたいなら、最もシンプルな言い方は、 'I saw a ........... when I went to ...........'(...........に行ったときに...........を見ました) です。 次のように言うこともできます。 'when I went to the supermarket I saw a sumo wrestler'(スーパーでお相撲さんを見かけました)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • While I was shopping at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler.

"While I was shopping at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler." While - during the time you were at the supermarket. I saw - something that you personally saw. Not something you heard about, but something you saw. You could also say... "I was surprised to see a sumo wrestler in the supermarket, today." - In this sentence, you express your surprise to have seen a sumo wrestler. "Did you see the sumo wrestler in the produce section?" - Here you are asking someone else in the store if they saw the sumo wrestler.
"While I was shopping at the supermarket, I saw a sumo wrestler."(スーパーで買い物をしていたら、お相撲さんがいた) While - スーパーにいる「間に」。 I saw - 目で見たもの。聞いたことではなく、「見た」もの。 次のように言うこともできます。 "I was surprised to see a sumo wrestler in the supermarket, today."(今日スーパーに行ったらお相撲さんがいてビックリした) = この文では、お相撲さんを見たことへの驚きを表しています。 "Did you see the sumo wrestler in the produce section?"(青果コーナーにお相撲さんがいたけど見た) = ここでは、お店にいる別の人にお相撲さんを見たかどうか確認しています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
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