- As long as its a job that uses English I don't care what industry it is.
- If its a job where I can use English, I don't mind what business it is.
- A conversation about changing careers. As long as I can use English, I don't really care what kind of job it is.
英語が使える仕事であれば特に業界は問わない - I don't really mind the industry I work in as long as I get to use English になると思います。
As long as I get to use English at work then I don't really care too much about the field/industry (I work in) も使えます。
I don't really care too much about the field/industry - 分野・業界はあまり気にしない
※get to use English の代わりに can use English も大丈夫です。
英語が使えるのであれば、特に業界にこだわりはないです- As long as I get to use English then I'm not too fussed about the industry I work in も使えます。
not be fussed (about something) - (...は)あまり気にしない