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「来週の火曜日は今月最後の休みです」 と言いたいです。
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2016/08/20 19:50
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  • Tuesday is my ultimate day off this month

  • After Tuesday, I will have used up all my days off this month

"Hey, Henry, do you have any more days off this month?" "Well, I already had five days off. Let me think.... yes I do." "How many more days?" "Next Tuesday is my ultimate day off this month." "I'm off then too! perhaps we can do something together?" "Yeh, sure thing!"
(英文) "Hey, Henry, do you have any more days off this month?" "Well, I already had five days off. Let me think.... yes I do." "How many more days?" "Next Tuesday is my ultimate day off this month." "I'm off then too! perhaps we can do something together?" "Yeh, sure thing!" (訳) 「やあ、ヘンリー。今月予定が空いてる日はある?」 「もうすでに五日休んだけど。待ってね…空いている日あるよ」 「あと何日?」 「来週の火曜日が今月最後の休みだよ」 「私も休み!一緒に何かする?」 「うん、いいよ!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Last holiday of this month

来週の火曜日は今月最後の休みです Next Tuesday is my last holiday of this month Holiday 祝日 Day off 休み 少し意味が違うようなきがします 自分で休みをおる場合は I took a day off tomorrow 明日休みをとった Tomorrow is my holiday 明日は祝日です
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • Next Tuesday is the end of the holiday

  • The last day of the holiday this month is next Tuesday

>▪Next Tuesday is the end of the holiday This indicates that the holiday will end next Tuesday >▪The last day of the holiday this month is next Tuesday This means that next Tuesday is the end of the holidays in this month
▪Next Tuesday is the end of the holiday. 次の火曜日に祝日が終わることを表した例文です。 ▪The last day of the holiday this month is next Tuesday. 今度の火曜日が今月の祝日最後の日だという意味の例文です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My holiday ends next week Tuesday.

*My holiday ends next week Tuesday.- This means that you are currently on holiday and your holiday will end next week Tuesday. For example: Friend: Hi hows is work? You: I am currently on holiday and it is ending next week Tuesday. Friend: Okay great.Enjoy what is left of it.
*My holiday ends next week Tuesday. - これは今休暇中で来週の火曜日に休暇が終わるという事です。 例: (英文)Friend: Hi hows is work? You: I am currently on holiday and it is ending next week Tuesday. Friend: Okay great.Enjoy what is left of it. (訳)友達:やあ、仕事はどう? あなた:私は現在休暇中で来週の火曜日に終わります。 友達:最高だね。残りの休暇を楽しんで。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Next tuesday is my last day off ...for this month.

  • Next tuesday is my final day off , for this month

"A day off" refers to a break in the normal working hours. We all get days off here and there for various reasons : Golden week/ National holidays, bank holidays .... Or simply because we have accumulated some "leave time" / "paid vacation" due to long shifts or working overtime
"day off" は「普通働く日」に仕事を休むことを表します。 みな時々 "day off" を取ります、いろいろな理由で: ゴールデンウィーク(Golden week)、国民の休日(National holidays)、祝日(bank holidays)... または単に、長いシフトや残業で「休み」「有給」がたまった時に。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Next Tuesday is the last day off for the month.

  • Tuesday will be the last day off this month.

  • The last day off for the month is next Tuesday.

"Next Tuesday is the last day off for the month." can state that the following Tuesday will be the last holiday in the month.
"Next Tuesday is the last day off for the month."で、次の火曜日は今月最後の休日になりますと言えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Tuesday is my last day off from work

  • My last day off from work is Tuesday

  • I'm back to work after this Tuesday

To explain that your last day off work is on Tuesday you could say 'Tuesday is my last day off from work' or 'My last day off from work is Tuesday' you could also say 'I'm back to work after Tuesday' which also tells the person that it is your last day off work
最後の休みが火曜日だと説明するなら、以下のように言えます: 例文 'Tuesday is my last day off from work' (火曜日が最後の休みだ) 'My last day off from work is Tuesday' (私の最後の休みは火曜日だ) 他に、次のように言うこともできます: 例文 'I'm back to work after Tuesday' (火曜日の後に仕事に戻ります) この文も、火曜日が最後の休みだということを伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Next Tuesday is my last day off work

  • My holiday ends next Tuesday

  • I am going back to work after Tuesday next week.

When you say want to explain that you are currently on holiday/have time off work, and next Tuesday will be the last day you have off work; then you can say it in the following ways: -Next Tuesday is my last day off work -My holiday ends next Tuesday -I am going back to work after Tuesday next week.
今現在休暇中で、次の火曜日が休暇の最後日ということなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 -Next Tuesday is my last day off work 来週火曜日が、最後の休みです。 -My holiday ends next Tuesday 休暇は来週の火曜日までです。 -I am going back to work after Tuesday next week. 来週水曜日から仕事に戻ります。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • my last day off this month

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 my last day off this month 「今月の私の最後の休日」 のように表現できます。 例) Today is my last day off this month. 「今日は今月の私の最後の休日です」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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