Do you have any foods you can't eat due to your religion?
・Do you have any foods you can't eat due to your religion?
(例文)Do you have any foods you can't eat due to your religion?// I can't eat pork.
(例文)I can't drink alcohol due to my religion.
Could you let me know if there are any foods you can't eat due to religious reasons?
「Could you let me know if there are any foods you can't eat due to religious reasons?」は、「宗教上食べられない物があれば教えてください」というお願いを丁寧に表現しています。"due to religious reasons" という部分で「宗教的理由で」という点を明確にし、「Can't eat」は「食べられない」ということを示しています。
- "Are there any dietary restrictions I should be aware of for your gift?"
- "Please tell me about any food preferences or prohibitions you might have."
- religious reasons: 宗教的な理由
- dietary restrictions: 食事制限
- be aware of: 気をつける、知っておく
- food preferences: 食べ物の好み
- prohibitions: 禁忌、禁止事項