I didn't think about him so much either way when we first met.
ーI didn't think about him so much either way when we first met, but once I started to get to know him, I began to like him more and more.
I didn't think about him so much either way when we first met. で「出会った時は彼についてあまりどちらとも(好きとも嫌いとも)思わなかった」
to get to know .... で「…と知り合う・仲良くなる」
more and more で「ますます」
I didn't feel anything romantic for him when I met him for the first time.
I didn't feel anything romantic for him when I met him for the first time.
feel romantic for 「~に対して恋愛感情を持つ」
for the first time「初めて」
★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
When I first met him, I didn't feel anything special.
「出会ったときはなんとも思わなかった」を英語で表現する場合、"When I first met him, I didn't feel anything special." と言います。
"When I first met him" で「出会ったとき」を表します。
"I didn't feel anything special" は「特別な感情は持たなかった」という意味です。