I would love to have a room with a bookcase that runs all the way across the wall.
I wish I had a wall of bookshelves just like you see in a library.
ーI would love to have a room with a bookcase that runs all the way across the wall.
bookcase で「本棚」
to run all the way across the wall で「壁一面に横切る・飾る」
ーI wish I had a wall of bookshelves just like you see in a library.
a wall of bookshelves で「壁のように立ち並ぶ本棚」
library で「図書館」
I long for a room with floor to ceiling shelves full of books just like in a library.
I long for a room with floor to ceiling shelves full of books just like in a library.
long for 「憧れる」
floor to ceiling shelves「床から天井までの棚」
full of「~で一杯の」
just like「まさに~のような」
I dream of having a room with bookshelves lining the walls.
「壁一面に本棚がある部屋に憧れる」を表現したい場合、「I dream of having a room with bookshelves lining the walls」が使えます。
I dream of having a room with bookshelves lining the walls.
この表現では「dream of having」(〜を持つことを夢見る)と「bookshelves lining the walls」(壁に沿って並ぶ本棚)を使っています。