I've gotten fat because I only eat ice cream after dinner, so I want to stop.
「夕食後」はafter dinnerと言います。
「アイス」はice(氷)じゃなくてice creamという必要があります(氷で太る可能性がないので相手が混乱になるね!笑)。「アイスばかり」はonly ice creamになります。only はeatの前か後かどっちでもできます。
例文:I've gotten fat because I eat only ice cream after dinner.
I started eating ice cream after supper and put on a lot of weight. I need to break this habit.
ーI started eating ice cream after supper and put on a lot of weight. I need to break this habit.
to put on a lot of weight「かなり体重が増える・太る」
to break this habit「この癖をやめる・悪習慣を直す」