I will also record their absence on the app later as well.
- I will also record their absence on the app later.
- I will record their absence on the app as well.
- I'll make sure to record their absence on the app as well.
- I will also record their absence on the app later, just in case.
「アプリでも」=「in the app」
「欠席登録」=「record the absence」
「しておきます」=「(I) will」
文法の「〜しておきます」は英語で「will do ~ in advance」と言いますが、「in advance」がなくても大丈夫です。
「I'll」は「I will」の短縮形ですので、どっちでも使っても大丈夫です。
因みに「念のため」は英語で「just in case」と言います。