世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/23 15:16
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  • well-known

  • renowned

  • famous

認知度高い、よく知られているという意味だと well-known (良い意味でも悪い意味でも) renowned (特性や技術などで有名な) famous (有名な、基本的には良い意味で) などの形容詞があります。
Reina Ueda さくらランゲージインスティテュート/代表 企業研修講師
  • He/She is known to everyone.

「認知度が高い」=「みんなに知られている」と 表現すると楽に言えますよ。 He/She is known to everyone. 彼(女)はみんなに知られている。 ちなみに Everyone knows him/her. と言ってしまうと、みんなが「直接の知り合い」だという意味になります。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • popular

  • famous

  • well-known

"He is very popular." "She is very famous (for...)." "She is very well-known in Japan." "Almost everyone knows him."
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone knows of him/ her.

know of ~ で間接的に(有名人など)知っているということができます。
  • He is well-renowned

  • He is a prominent figure.

  • He is famous.

All of these are synonymous in this context. They fall along the lines of being popular, well-known and important. You can use either one.
上記はこの文脈から考えると全て類義語として捉えられます。 どちらもimportantやwell known、popularといった形容詞に近い意味を持つので、どれでも使うことができます。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is popular.

  • Famous person

  • He/She is well known.

Popular means to be liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group Example A: What makes her so special? B: She is popular at school. ____________________________________________________ Famous known about by many people Example A: What did you wish for? B: I want to be rich and famous. _____________________________________________________________ Well known means to widely or generally known A: Who is that? B: That is John. He is well known for being mischievous
Popular means to be liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group Popular=大勢の人々に好かれている、慕われていること。 Example ≪例文≫ A: What makes her so special? (彼女の何が特別なの?) B: She is popular at school. (学校で人気者なんだよ) ____________________________________________________ Famous known about by many people Famous=たくさんの人に知られている。認知度が高い。 Example ≪例文≫ A: What did you wish for? (何をお願いしたの?) B: I want to be rich and famous. (裕福で有名になりたいって) _____________________________________________________________ Well known means to widely or generally known Well-known=よく知られている、認知度が高い。 A: Who is that? (あの人は誰?) B: That is John. He is well known for being mischievous (あれはジョンだよ。悪戯好きでよく知られてる)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He's notorious for....

  • She's famous for....

  • It's common knowledge that.....

If someone is notorious, they are widely and unfavorably known. "John's notorious for kissing girls without asking them!" "Mary's famous for having won an Olympic race as a teenager." "It's common knowledge that frogs can't fly - they can only hop!"
もし誰かがnotoriousなら、それは悪名高いという意味になります。 "John's notorious for kissing girls without asking them!" ジョンは相手に許可なくキスすることで有名だ。 "Mary's famous for having won an Olympic race as a teenager." メアリーはオリンピックで優勝した10代として有名だ。 "It's common knowledge that frogs can't fly - they can only hop!" カエルが跳べないのは一般常識さ、彼らは跳ねるだけ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Famous

  • Popular

  • Well known

If someone is famous, he/she is known about by many people. A famous person is talked about or written about in newspapers, on TV, and on the radio. It must be understood that famous people are not talked about only about the good things they do, but also about unfavorable things about them. However, in contrast, popular people are liked or admired by many people. It should also be noted that someone may be well known for the bad things he/she has done or does. Such a person can be described as being notorious. So, you may say: She is a very famous singer. or Our president is very popular all over the country. or My brother is well known for being an excellent artist. or He is notorious for being a sex pest.
famous は、たくさんの人によく知られていることを意味します。 a famous person は新聞やテレビ、ラジオに出るような人のことです。 famous peopleというのは、いいことだけでなく、良くないことについて有名な人でも意味するのでご注意下さい。 well-knownと言っても、悪いことでよく知られているのかもしれませんので覚えておいて下さいね。 悪いことで有名だったりよく知られている人のことは、 notorious といいます。 例文: She is a very famous singer. (彼女は有名な歌手です。) My brother is well known for being an excellent artist. (私の弟/兄はすばらしいアーティストとしてよく知られています。) He is notorious for being a sex pest. (彼はセクハラをすることで悪名高いです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He is very famous

  • This was a city famed for its hospitality to service

When we say that someone or something is "famous" we want to say that everybody knows about this person or thing. Celebrities, of course, are a good example of famous people. They are known by everyone because of the movies they have acted in. "Famed" is another way of saying "famous" or "well-known". In this example, we want to say that the city was famous because of its hospitality to service.
"Famous"(有名な)は、「〔人・ものが〕みんなに知られている」という意味です。"Celebrities"(セレブリティ)は「"Famous" な人」のよい例ですね。映画に出演してみんなに知られています。 "Famed" は "Famous" や "Well-known"(有名な)の別の言い方です。この例では、「この町はもてなしのよさで知られていた」と伝えています。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Famous

  • Infamous

  • Notorious

Famous means that someone/something is well-known: for example, celebrities are famous. Infamous and notorious mean someone/something is well-known but for a bad reason: for example, the Titanic is an infamous/notorious ship.
"famous" は「有名な」という意味です。例えば、セレブリティ(celebrities)は "famous" です。 "infamous" と "notorious" は「良くない理由で有名な(悪名高い)」という意味です。 例えば、タイタニックは "infamous/notorious" な船です。
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • famous.

  • very well known.

If you would like to know how you can describe something/someone that is extremely well known, you can refer to that thing/person as "famous" or "very well known." So for example, you can say "Selena Gomez is very FAMOUS and is known by people all around the world.".
ものや人について「すごく有名」と言いたいなら、これは "famous" や "very well known" で表すことができます。 例えば: "Selena Gomez is very FAMOUS and is known by people all around the world." (セレーナ・ゴメスはとても有名で世界的に知られている)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Well-known

  • Famous

  • Popular

These three different adjectives can be used to describe that something is known by a large population of people depending on a region, country or throughout the world. Example sentences : - That monument is very well-known throughout the world. - She is a very famous singer in Korea. - H&M is a popular clothing store in Europe.
これらは、ある地域、国、あるいは世界中で「よく知られた」という意味を表す形容詞です。 例文: - That monument is very well-known throughout the world.(そのモニュメントは世界的に知られています) - She is a very famous singer in Korea.(彼女は韓国で有名な歌手です) - H&M is a popular clothing store in Europe.(H&Mはヨーロッパで人気の衣料品店です)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Famous/ Infamous.

  • Well known.

  • Renowned.

Famous/ Infamous. Well known. Renowned Firstly, the difference between famous and infamous is that famous is in a positive way, and infamous is generally in a negative way. So, batman is famous, and the joker is infamous. The other two are the same as famous, more or less. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Famous/ Infamous.(有名な/悪名高い) Well known.(よく知られた) Renowned(名声のある) まず、'famous' と 'infamous' の違いは、'famous' は良い意味で有名であること(名高い)、'infamous' は悪い意味で有名であること(悪名高い)を表します。 ですから、バットマンは 'famous' です。ジョーカーは 'infamous' です。 残りの二つは 'famous' とだいたい同じ意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • ○○ is well known

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 ○○ is well known 「○○はよく知られている」 のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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