「ドライブスルーが混んでいて、道にまで車が並んでいる」は英語で「The drive-thru was so crowded that cars were lining up all the way the until the road.」と言えます。
また、別の自然な言い方で、「There were so many cars at the drive-thru that cars were backed up until the road.」と言えます。この英文は1つ目の英文と同じ内容ですが、単語と言い方だけ異なります。
例えば、「There were so many cars at the drive-thru」と「The drive-thru was so crowded」は同じ意味です。
また、「cars were lining up」と「cars were backed up」は同じ意味です。「cars were backed up」の方がカジュアルな言い方です。
ーThe line up for the drive-through at McDonald's was backed up all the way to the road.
The line up for ... で「…の列」
to be backed up で「渋滞する・混む」
ーCars were lined up all the way to the road at the McDonald's drive-through.
to be lined up で「並んでいる・列をつくる」