世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/26 14:34
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  • There are many people with high TOEIC scores who can't speak English.

  • Even if someone has a high TOEIC score, it doesn't necessarily mean they can speak English.

  • Just because someone has a high TOEIC score doesn't mean they're fluent in English.

こんにちは。 「TOEICのスコアが高くても、英語が話せない人は沢山いる」はいろんな言い方ができるかと思います。いくつか例文を作りました。 1. There are many people with high TOEIC scores who can't speak English. TOEICのスコアが高くて英語が話せない人はたくさんいる。 2. Even if someone has a high TOEIC score, it doesn't necessarily mean they can speak English. TOEICのスコアが高い人でも、必ずしも英語が話せるわけではない。 3. Just because someone has a high TOEIC score doesn't mean they're fluent in English. TOEICの点数が高いからって英語がペラペラというわけではない。 最初の例文が一番もとの日本語文に近いかと思います。自分のことを話すのであれば次のようにも言えます: I have a high TOEIC score, but I can't speak English. 私はTOEICの点数は高いけど、英語は話せない。 2と3の例文は「TOEICの点数が高いからといって英語が話せるわけではない」のニュアンスが強いです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Having a high TOEIC score doesn't necessarily mean you have good English

  • I have met many people with high TOEIC scores who can't speak English fluently

"Having a high TOEIC score doesn't necessarily mean you have good English" This means that having a high score is not proof that you are fluent in English. "I have met many people with high TOEIC scores who can't speak English fluently" You are talking about your own experience of meeting people in order to justify your opinion.
"Having a high TOEIC score doesn't necessarily mean you have good English" ①「TOEICが高得点でも、上手な英語が出来るとは限らない。」 点数が高くても、流暢な英語が話せる証拠にはならないこと。 "I have met many people with high TOEIC scores who can't speak English fluently" ②「TOEICのスコアが高くても流暢な英語を話せない人に沢山出会った。」 意見を裏付けるために、自身の経験を語っている。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • A) I have experienced that having a high TOEIC score does not prove you can speak English.

  • B) There are many people who have a high TOEIC score who cannot speak English fluently .

A) I have experienced that having a high TOEIC score does not prove you can speak English. *Experienced -practical contact with and observation of facts or events. Example -"he had learned his lesson by painful experience" *Proof -demonstrate the truth or existence of (something) by evidence or argument. Example -"the concept is difficult to prove" B) There are many people who have a high TOEIC score who cannot speak English fluently . *cannot - can not *Fluently - (with reference to speaking or reading a particular foreign language) with ease and accuracy. Example -"children learned to read fluently by the end of the year" I hope this helps! :-)
A) I have experienced that having a high TOEIC score does not prove you can speak English.TOEICでハイスコアを取ったからと言って英語が話せるわけではないという経験がある。 *Experienced -事実やイベントを観察したり、実際に経験すること。 Example -"he had learned his lesson by painful experience"彼は手痛い経験からそのレッスンを学んだ。 *Proof -存在が議論されているものや真実の証明 Example -"the concept is difficult to prove"その概念は証明するのが難しい。 B) There are many people who have a high TOEIC score who cannot speak English fluently .TOIECのスコアは高いのに英語を流ちょうに話せない人はたくさんいる。 *cannot - can not *Fluently - (with reference to speaking or reading a particular foreign language) with ease and accuracy. Example -"children learned to read fluently by the end of the year" I hope this helps! :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • You will find a lot of people who can't fluently speak English but yet have high scores in TOEIC

  • There are people with high TOEIC scores despite being unable to speak English fluently.

These sentences are structured in a way that allows you to combine two different points together even if they contradict each other. It is expected that people with high TOEIC scores to be able to speak fluently but in your statement, you say that this may not be the case so I have shown you how to combine the two opposing ideas.
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Large numbers of people have high TOEIC scores but are found wanting when it comes to speaking

  • A lot of people have great TOEIC scores but fail to measure up when it comes to speaking

To be found wanting = lacking all that is needed or expected. "The travel arrangements for the three girls were found wanting." To measure up = to be good enough, or as good as someone or something else:: "Although Matria excelled at school and became head of an important college, she could never measure up to her mother's expectations." "We hope that young James will follow in his father's footsteps and measure up to the high expectations of his family."
To be found wanting = 必要とされること、期待されていることに欠けていること "The travel arrangements for the three girls were found wanting." 3人の女の子の旅行予約が欠けている。 To measure up = 足りていること "Although Maria excelled at school and became head of an important college, she could never measure up to her mother's expectations." マリアは学業優秀で、すばらしい大学の代表を務めていたが、彼女の母親の期待には全くおよばなかった。 "We hope that young James will follow in his father's footsteps and measure up to the high expectations of his family." 幼いジェームスが父の後に続き、家族の高い期待に応えられるといいのだが。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There are many people who have high TOEIC scores, but when you ask them to say something in English, they can't speak a lick of English!

  • Scoring high on the TOEIC does not automatically translate to speaking English well.

  • Scoring high on the TOEIC does not automatically mean that someone speaks English well.

(Something) does not automatically translate to (something else) - this means that one thing does not make something else true automatically. e.g. Playing video game driving simulations does not automatically translate to knowing how to drive a car in real life. (Someone) can't speak a lick of (language)! - since you speak language with your tongue, the word "lick" is used. A lick is a small taste, so a being able to speak a lick of a language means you can speak maybe a small little sentence e.g. I can't speak a lick of Spanish because I did not study it!
"〇〇 does not automatically translate to △△" =〇〇だからと言って、必ずしも△△という意味ではない 例 Playing video game driving simulations does not automatically translate to knowing how to drive a car in real life. (車の運転のシミュレーションゲームをしたからと言って、実際に運転できる訳ではない。) ○○ can't speak a lick of English! - "lick" と言うのは、”少し”と言う意味で、この場合は「英語を少しも話せない。」といった意味になります。 例 I can't speak a lick of Spanish because I did not study it! (私はスペイン語を習ってないので、全く話せない。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • There are many people who have high TOEIC scores but they cannot speak English well

  • Just because someone has a high TOEIC score doesn't mean they are fluent in English

These sentences are both a good way to explain that sometimes a good score in a test does not always mean you are good at doing that thing If your English skills are good and you can read and speak really well then you are said to 'fluent'
これらの文はどちらも、「テストのスコアが良いからといって、必ずしもそれが上手にできるわけではない」の良い言い方です。 英語力があって、読んだり話したりが自然にできるなら、それは 'fluent'(流暢な)と表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There are many people who have high TOEIC scores but can't speak English well.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 以下のようにも表現できると思いました(^_^) There are many people who have high TOEIC scores but can't speak English well. 「高いTOEICの点数を持っているが、上手に英語は話せない人はたくさんいる」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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