I like having weekdays off because no matter where you go, it isn't crowded
I like having weekdays off
こういう場合で、day offになります。例えば、(私は)今日は休みです=I have the day off today
because no matter where you go, it isn't crowded
no matter where you go= どこに行っても
I like having weekdays off since it's not crowded no matter where you go.
「平日休みが好きです、どこに行っても混んでないから」は英語で「I like having weekdays off since it's not crowded no matter where you go.」と言います。「混んでいる」は英語で「busy」とも言えますが、この場合は「crowded」の方が適切です。
I like having weekdays off since it's not crowded no matter where you go, but sometimes it gets crowded at lunch time.