おっしゃる通り、英語でnativeとだけ言うと、その地域の土着の人、という意味になり、???という顔をされるかもしれませんが、a native English speaker, a native speakerというときちんと通じます。
1. 'First language' refers to the persons native language- it is the language they first learnt.
2. 'Mother tongue" is an expression. It refers to the persons native language.
First languageは母国語を表します。これは最初に習う言語のことです。
Mother tongueこれは熟語で、その人の母国語を表します。
>His native language is Japanese.
*His 1st language is Japanese.
>Native Japanese teacher.
*Teacher whose 1st language is Japanese.
>Native English teacher.
*Teacher whose 1st language is English.
Native language refers to the language of the area the person grows up in. For example, growing up in the United States, your native language would be English
His native language is Japanese.
Native Japanese teacher.
Native English teacher.
Native language(第一言語)とは、その人が育った環境の言語です。
If we just say, 'A native' in English, it would mean a person from a tribe or someone who lives in a non-Western country who belongs to the race or tribe that the majority of people there belong to. The use of the word in this sense is nowadays considered offensive. ‘He led an expedition to New Guinea and was wounded by a native's spear.’
However, if you say "A native of - " it could be applied to any country or city.
"I have a friend who is a native of Montreal."
Local people from any country may be referred to as, "The natives."
‘Mombay in the summer was too hot even for the natives’
A nativeと英語でいえば、ウェスタン以外に住んでいて、その地域のほとんどの人が出身の同じ人種または部族出身のようなところから来た人を指します。こういった使い方でnativeを使うのは近年ではあまり良しとされていません。
He led an expedition to New Guinea and was wounded by a natives.:彼はニューギニアへ探検へでて、地元の部族に怪我を負わされた。
しかしながら、A native of - という表現を使えば、国や町の出身を言うことができます。
"I have a friend who is a native of Montreal.": モントリオール出身の友達がいる。
Local people from any country may be referred to as, "The natives.":国に関係なく、地元の人を表すときはNativesを使えます。
Mombay in the summer was too hot even for the natives.ボンベイの夏は地元の人にとっても暑い。
All of these are the best ways to say someone is a native english speaker.
Each one is used to speak about different people using different pronouns.
"He" is used when speaking about a male.
"She" is used when speaking about a female.
"They are" can be used when speaking about a group of people or a pair of people.
I hope this helps
「ネイティブ」のことは英語で「native speaker」といいます。
「○○のネイティブ」は「○○ native」で表現します。
例えば、母国語が英語である人のことは「native English speaker」といいます。
→「I want to speak with a native speaker」
→「I want to speak with a native English speaker」
→「What kind of phrases do native speakers often use?」
→「What kind of phrases do native English speakers often use?」
"Native speaker" and "Native"
these are the terms given to people who are 'native', those who are born and raised in a country, ex. "This is my friend, he is a native English speaker" "I am a native Englishmen, meaning I was born and raised in the UK"
"Native speaker" や "Native"は、その国で生まれ育った人のことを指す言葉です。
"This is my friend, he is a native English speaker"
"I am a native Englishmen, meaning I was born and raised in the UK"