My toy got caught on the wheels of the chair. Can you help me get it?
My toy got wrapped around the caster on the chair. Can you untangle it for me?
ーMy toy got caught on the wheels of the chair. Can you help me get it?
to get caught で「引っかかる」
wheels of the chair で「椅子の車輪」
ーMy toy got wrapped around the caster on the chair. Can you untangle it for me?
to get wrapped around で「絡まる」
caster on the chair で「椅子のキャスター」
untangle で「絡まっているのと取る・解く」
「キャスターに引っかかって」は英語で「stuck in the wheels」と言います。オフィスチェアなどのキャスターは英語で全部「wheels」と言います(キャスター付き:has wheels attached/comes with wheels)。自然な言い方は
My toy got stuck in the chair wheels. Can you take it out?