"〇〇 became infected and I became a close contact so I am unable to do my work quickly."
- "〇〇 became infected and I became a close contact so I am unable to do my work quickly."
"〇〇 became infected" 「〇〇が感染して」
"I became a close contact" 「私は濃厚接触者になり」
"I am unable to ~" 「〜が出来ない」
"do my work quickly" 「仕事を早く行うこと」
Unable to do the job promptly after having been in contact with an infected person.
The work is delayed and unable be done promptly after having been in contact with an infected person.
「感染して濃厚接触者になり仕事を早く行うことが出来ない」はそのまま英語で「Unable to do the job promptly after having been in contact with an infected person.」と言います。
もし、「仕事が遅れてしまうこと」も追加したいなら、「The work is delayed and unable be done promptly after having been in contact with an infected person.」と言う風に言えます。