I can't go out for a drink because my kid is staying at home alone.
「飲み会に行けない」は、I can't come to the partyと言うこともできます。
「留守番している」は、家に一人でいる=staying at home aloneが自然かなと思います。
ちなみにアメリカでは小さい子供を一人で留守番させることはできないので、このフレーズを使うと大問題に発展しかねません。なので場合によっては、my kid is waiting for me to come homeくらいがいいかもしれません。
I can't join you for a drink because I don't have a babysitter for my child
I can't join you for a drink, my child is waiting for me at home
"I can't join you for a drink because I don't have a babysitter for my child"
babysitter- someone who you can hire to look after your child.
You can use this to let someone know that you have a child waiting at home and no one else to look after them.
"I can't join you for a drink, my child is waiting for me at home"
This lets the person know that your child is waiting for you and you have a commitment to be there for them.
I hope this helps :)
"I can't join you for a drink because I don't have a babysitter for my child”(子供にベビーシッターがついていないのであなたとの飲み会に付き合うことができません) “Babysitter”は子供の面倒を見る人のことです。このフレーズを使って子供が一人で家で留守番をしていることを誰かに伝えることができます。”I can’t join you for a drink, my child is waiting for me at home.”(あなたとの飲み会に付き合うことはできません。我が子が家で私の帰りを待っています。)これはあなたが家で待っている我が子の元に早く帰りたいことを相手に伝えることができます。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Sorry, I have family waiting at home for me right now!
You may either mention the child in the conversation, or not. In the UK, people often prefer to be vague about the reason why they have to be in any particular place at a particular time. Or perhaps they feel they do not need to explain everything in detail. They have private lives! You could just say, 'family' which could be 'anyone in your family'. Really, it is not so important who is waiting for you, rather just the fact that you cannot be present for a drink.
vague = without detail
Sorry I can't join you for drink.s. My child is waiting for me at home.
I won't be able to join you for drinks because my child is alone at home and waiting for me.
▪ Sorry I can't join you for drinks. My child is waiting for me at home.
This is telling the person you can not go with them for drinks because you need to get home to your child.
▪ I won't be able to join you for drinks because my child is alone at home and waiting for me.
This is saying that you need to get home as soon as possible because you child is waiting for you at home.
Example 1
Friend: Hey, you want to join us for drinks?
You: Sorry I can't join you for drink.s. My child is waiting for me at home.
▪ Sorry I can't join you for drinks. My child is waiting for me at home.
▪ I won't be able to join you for drinks because my child is alone at home and waiting for me.
友達: Hey, you want to join us for drinks?
あなた: Sorry I can't join you for drink.s. My child is waiting for me at home.
Parental responsibilites mean, I cannot go out for a drink; I must go home to my child.
Parental responsibilites...are "not to be taken lightly" and sadly will impact your social life ;-D We may need to explain that we have a child at home that prevents us
from doing certain things at times..."Parental responsibilites mean I cannot go out for a drink, Imust go home to my child."
「Parental responsibilites(親の義務)」は軽いものではありません。そして、残念ながら、社会生活にも影響を与えます。子どもがいて出掛けられないと説明したほうがいいかもしれませんね。
"Parental responsibilites mean I cannot go out for a drink, I must go home to my child."
Sorry i can't make it for drinks, my child is at home waiting for me
Sorry i can't make it for drinks, i have to get home to my child
If you can't make a meeting/event then to say 'sorry' at the start is a nice polite way so by saying
'Sorry i can't make it for drinks. my child is at home waiting for me' or 'Sorry i can't make it for drinks, i have to get home to my child' these not only explain you are sorry for not being able to make it but explain why as well
'Sorry I can't make it for drinks. my child is at home waiting for me'(すみません、飲みには行けません。子供が家で待っているので)
'Sorry I can't make it for drinks, I have to get home to my child'(すみません、飲みには行けません。子供が待っているので、家に帰らないと行けません)
I can't go out because I need to look after my child.
I can't leave my child home alone.
I don't feel comfortable leaving my child alone.
If you want to explain that you can't go out because you have a small kid waiting at home for you, you can say:
"I can't go out because I need to look after my child."
"I can't leave my child home alone."
"I don't feel comfortable leaving my child alone."
"I can't go out because I need to look after my child."(子どもの面倒を見ないといけないので飲み会には行けない)
"I can't leave my child home alone."(子どもを家に1人にしておくわけにはいかない)
"I don't feel comfortable leaving my child alone."(子どもを1人にしておきたくない)