I find out that she need to pee, from the way she put her hands on her groin, wiggling her body and legs, looking nervous.
When my daughter wants to pee, she puts her hand between her legs and wiggles herself, looking stiff.
・"I find out that she need to pee,"→ I find out that when she needs to pee
・「強張った」→ "nervous"でも良いと思いますが、"looks stiff"の方が意味が近いと思います。
・"groin"は単刀直入な言い方なので、少し聞いたときにドキっとする人もいるかもしれません。少し遠回しな言い方で"between her legs"と言えば文脈で通じると思うので、使うことも可能です。