youtube「英語の達人 松本道弘が東大英作文2020年をガチで解いてみた!(」の回答が間違っている気が、「My answer is both yes and no.(×)」「My answer is yes and no.Both are yes,and both are no.(〇)」なのでは?
My answer is yes and no. Both are yes, and both are noは分かりにくくてちょっと不自然な言い方ですね。
My answer to these questions is both yes and no.の方が文法的に適切です。
最初のIs language a puppet on our string? Or, is it rather, we're the puppet on its strings?と言うのを、
二つの質問ではなく、何かの言い換えをせずに一つの質問の扱いをしてMy answer to this question(単数) is both yes and noで答えるのは確かに違和感がありますね。
My answers to these questions is both yes and noもちょっと違和感がありますね。
Is language a puppet on our string, or are we the puppet on its string?
With regard to the question of whether this kind of dependence exists between us and our language, my answer is both yes and no. (言葉と私たちの間にこう言う依存が存在しているかと言う質問に関しての私の回答は両方ともYesで両方ともNo)