世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/30 13:56
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  • We seem to be running into each other a lot today.

  • We have a knack for meeting today.

学校や会社とかで極たまにあるんですね。 いくつか状況に合ったフレーズを紹介させていただきます! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We seem to be running into each other a lot today. We have a knack for meeting today. 今日は何かとよく会うね。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi again. And we meet again. Wow--again? あれ?また会ったね。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Talk about coincidences. What a coincidence. これはなんと偶然。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ さすがに3回超えたら怖がられるかもしれません。 そんな時に! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trust me, this is just coincidence. これは偶然だ。ただの偶然。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I swear I'm not following you. 尾行(つけ)てるわけじゃないから。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm down. There's no need to be afraid. 落ち着いて。怖がる必要ない。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not a stalker. 僕はストーカーじゃない。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm a stalker. 僕はストーカーだ。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • 1. We keep bumping in to one another!

  • 2. Are you following me around?

  • 3. Are you stalking me?

1. This is an old expression and would be a typical response. 2. To follow someone around = to go behind someone and stay with them as they move. 3. To stalk = to follow so as to catch or kill or spy on - in the same way a lion stalks a deer, a fan stalks a Hollywood star. Expressions 2 and 3 are humorous questions and would not be taken seriously.
1は昔ながらの代表的な言い回しです。 2 to follow someone aroundは、相手の行動に合わせて後ろからついていくことをいいます。 3 to stalkは、相手を殺したり、監視目的で後ろからついていくことを意味します。例えばライオンが鹿を後ろからつける、といったり、ハリウッドスターをファンがストーキングするというようなシチュエーションでもstalkは使うことができます。2や3の表現は、ユーモアのある質問で、シリアスにとらえられることはないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We keep running into each other today.

  • We keep bumping into each other.

  • Are you following me?

This is explained as "running into" or "bumping into" each other. If you are good friends it is common to ask "Are you following me?" in a comical/funny manner.
偶然出くわすは、running into/bumping intoなどで表せます。 親しい間柄なら、are you folloing me?とちょっと面白く言うのもありですね。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • We keep bumping in to one another.

  • I am starting to think that you are following me.

We keep bumping in to one another. I am starting to think that you are following me. When you use these expressions, you would usually say it with a smile :)
We keep bumping in to one another. I am starting to think that you are following me. 上記の表現をいう時は、笑顔で言いましょう。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Why do we keep running into each other like this?

  • We seeing a lot of each other today! (smile)

>Why do we keep running into each other like this? *rhetorical question... = asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information. >We seeing a lot of each other today! (smile) *when using this sentence you must always smile in order for it not to sound rude. ..................****.................
Why do we keep running into each other like this? *rhetorical question... =効果を高めたり、情報を引き出すというより文章を作るための質問を意味します。 We seeing a lot of each other today! (smile) 失礼にならないように、笑顔でこの表現を使わなければなりません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We seem to be bumping into each other alot today

  • We seem to be running into each other many times today

The term 'bumping into someone' means to keep meeting or seeing them if it has been a few times then you would say 'alot' or 'many times' by adding 'today' that explains when
bumping into someone' は「〔人と〕ばったり会う」という意味です。 それが何回かあったなら、'a lot'(何回も)あるいは 'many times'(何回も)と言えます。 'today'(今日)はそれがいつのことなのかを伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It appears we are using the same road network today.

  • Have you noticed that we keep on running into each other today?

  • We have bumped into each other so many times today. I wonder why?

The phrase 'it appears' used in the first statement means 'it seems'. If you are using the same road 'network' with someone, and each time you meet, that person is always coming from the other side, you will definitely notice each other. You are bound to ask him/her as in the second line or the third line. So, you may say: It appears we are using the same road network today. or Have you noticed that we keep on running into each other today? or We have bumped into each other so many times today. I wonder why?
最初の文で使われている"it appears"は"it seems"(~のようである)という意味です。もし誰かと同じ道を使っていて、その人がいつも違う方向から現れたらお互いに気づきますよね。2つめ、3つめの文でその人にこのように尋ねるはずです。 It appears we are using the same road network today. (今日、僕たちは同じ道を使っているようだね。) Have you noticed that we keep on running into each other today? (今日僕たちはよくばったり会うの気付いた?) We have bumped into each other so many times today. I wonder why? (今日は何度もばったり会うね。なんでだろう?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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