世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/30 16:25
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  • What's up?

  • What are you up to?

  • What's new?

「今何してるの?」は文字通りとらえると、「What are you doing right now?」と言うこともできますが、気になる人との会話のきっかけを作りたいなら What's up? What are you up to? What's new?(何か新しいことあった?) のように、相手のことを知ることができる、"open-ended question" (Yes/No で答えられない質問)が良いでしょう。いずれも少しカジュアルな印象があります。 Good luck!
  • Hey! What's up?

  • What are you up to?

Hey! What's up? よ!何してんの? What are you up to? 何してるの? どちらもカジュアルな声がけですが軽い感じはせず 会話をスムーズに始められますよ! What are you doing now? 今何してるところ? 意味は間違ってないのですが、この質問をされるともしかしたら相手は 「何か具体的な用があるのかな?」と思ってしまうかもしれません。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • What are you doing?

Hi, what are you doing? こんちわー、何してるのー? ↓の表現も良く使われます。 What are you up to? 何してるの? 例 Hi, what are you up to tonight? 今夜何してるの? Nothing, why? 別に何も。何で? No, I just wonder. ただ気になっただけさ
  • Hey! Are you free right now?

"Hey! Are you free right now?" - You can use this to find out what someone is doing at that moment. Especially if you would like to know if they have some free time to do something with you or chat with you. I hope this helps :)
“Hey! Are you free right now?”(やあ! 今暇?) その人が今何をしているかを知るためにこのフレーズを使うことができます。その人に今あなたと一緒に話したりする時間があるかを知りたい時などには特に便利な文です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • 1. How's it going?

  • 2. You seem busy?

  • 3. You seem free?

1. This is a common phrase to ask how people are generally and how is the day proceeding: "How's it going?" "Terrible, I just got sacked!" 2. Here you state that your friend seems preoccupied with something. "You seem busy?" "Yes, I'm in the middle of doing a report." 3. Here you state that your friend seems free. "You seem free?" "Yes, I am. Would you like to do something?"
1.一般的にその人がどんな感じか尋ねたり、その人の一日について尋ねる時に使われるフレーズです。 "How's it going?" 最近どうだい? "Terrible, I just got sacked!" 最悪さ、クビになっちまった。 2. 何かに没頭している友達に対してはこういえます。 "You seem busy?" 忙しそうだね。 "Yes, I'm in the middle of doing a report." ああ、レポート提出の真っ最中だよ。 3. 暇そうな友達に対して使うならこれ。 "You seem free?" 暇そうだな。 "Yes, I am. Would you like to do something?" ああ、なんかしないか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to at the moment?

  • What's happening with you right now?

  • Tell me what is going on in your life these days

Whenever need a simple "ice-breaker" question in order to open up a deeper conversation... We should be sincere and not too pushy... How's it going with you right now? or perhaps... "Do tell me a little about yourself" ..I am keen to get to know you better;-D
ある深い内容の話を始める前に緊張をほぐすときはいつでも、誠実であるべきだしあまりガツガツいくべきではありませんよね。 "How's it going with you right now?" (いま調子はどう?) または、 ''Do tell me a little about yourself.' (君のことについてちょっと教えてよ。) 私は君についてもっと知りたいんだ。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing later this evening.

  • What are you up to right now?

  • Do you have any plans at the moment.

If it is to someone you like, your sentences will be effective when you change your tone. In the first suggestion, this may indicate that you would like to go out on a date at that time. If you use the second suggestion, it is not so much indicative that you would like to spend time with the individual you are speaking to. The last suggestion will definitely indicate that you would like to go out.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Hey what are you up to?

  • Hey! Are you up to much this weekend?

  • Morning, what are you up to this evening / this weekend?

*Hey what are you up to? *Hey! Are you up to much this weekend? *Morning, what are you up to this evening / this weekend? *You can also say:.. *Hey how are you doing? Up to much? *What are you doing this weekend? *Hey, are you doing anything fun this weekend? *Whats up! (American) Hope this helps you! ^ ^
*Hey what are you up to? ねぇ、最近なんかある? *Hey! Are you up to much this weekend? ねぇ!今週末は何かあるの? *Morning, what are you up to this evening / this weekend? おはよう。今晩/今週末何しているの?   以下のようにも表現できます。 *Hey how are you doing? Up to much? やぁ元気?何かある? *What are you doing this weekend? 今週末は何する予定なの? *Hey, are you doing anything fun this weekend? ねぇ、今週末なにか楽しいことするの? *Whats up! (American) 最近どう?(アメリカ英語)  
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • What you are up to?

  • Up to anything much?

You have a crush on someone and you want to know what they are up to, you can use one of these sentences to help you out. For example. Hey Hey How are you? Good. Up to anything much? I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to?

  • How's it going?

  • What's been going on with you?

If you want to ask someone in a casual way, what they are doing now, you can say: "What are you up to?" The important thing is to speak in an informal way like you are speaking to a friend. Using contractions like "What's" is a good way to speak informally to family and friends.
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing now?

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、そのままシンプルに訳すと、 What are you doing now? 「今何をしていますか?」 のように表現できます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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