If you can't use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak.
If you're not able to use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak.
If you can't use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak.
If you're not able to use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak.
let alone で「はおろか」のニュアンスです。
"If you can't use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak."
- "If you can't use the language, you can't even think, let alone speak."
"if you can't use the language" 「言語が使えなければ」
"if ~" 「〜ければ」
"language" 「言語」
"can't use ~" 「〜が使えない」
"you can't even think" 「考えることすらできない」
"to think" 「考える」
"let alone speak" 「話すことはおろか」
"to speak" 「話す」
"can't even 〇〇, let alone ●●" 「●●ことはおろか〇〇ことすらできない」