- thrift shop/store
- vintage clothing store (ビンテージの服を売る店)
- second hand clothing store
- They beat down the prices at thrift stores.
- The prices are always heavily lowered at thrift stores.
- When I go to sell clothes at thrift stores, they always beat down the prices.
A secondhand clothing store will go for the cheapest price possible.
「古着屋では安く買い叩かれる」は英語で「A secondhand clothing store will go for the cheapest price possible.」と言います。「古着屋」という単語は英語で沢山の言い方がありますので、他使いたいなら「used clothing shop」も大丈夫です。
If you go to a used clothing shop to sell your clothes, they'll definitely buy for the cheapest price possible.