I do not recall that I bought anything on that day.
1番のは請求書を見ながら特定の項目を指差して、というような状況で言わないと "this" が何かわからないのですが、「これ、なんだったかわかんない」という感じですね。
2番目も "this" が何か聞き手が理解してないと通じないですが、「この金額は何のだったか覚えてないなー」ということですね。
I see on the credit card statement that there is a charge of $20 on Aug. 20, but I do not remember what it was for. Could you tell me what it was?
I have no clue what this item is on the bill. I can't remember what I bought.
I have no idea what this item is on the bill. I have no memory of buying it.
「請求書のこの項目に心当たりが無い。何を買ったのか思い出せない」= I have no clue/idea what this item is on the bill. I can't remember what I bought.
「請求書」= bill
「この項目」= this item
「心当たりが無い」= no idea; no clue
「何を買ったのか」= what I bought
「思い出せない」= I can't remember. / I have no memory.
I don't recall this purchase in the bill. I can't remember what I got there.
I can't remember what this is. I can't think of anything else I bought that day.
I don't recall this purchase in the bill. I can't remember what I got there.
purchase 購入する、購入したもの
bill 領収書
do not recall/can't remember 思い出せない
I can't remember what this is. I can't think of anything else I bought that day.
what this is これが何か (この項目が何か)
can't think of anything else 他に何も浮かばない