世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/31 23:29
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  • When would you like to have your beverage?

  • Would you like your XX with your meal (or after)?

When would you like to have your beverage? お飲み物はいつお持ちしましょうか 上記でももちろん伝わりますが、以下の言い方の方がよりナチュラルです: Would you like your XX with your meal (or after)? XXは食事と一緒がよろしいですか?(または食後が良いですか?) 是非使ってみてください。
  • Can I get you a drink with your meal?

  • When can I get you a drink?

Would you like~?のパターンは既に出ているので、ここではもう少しカジュアルな言い回しを。 canを使った表現は、きどらないカジュアルなお店や機内サービスなどで、北米ではよく使われます。 「~しましょうか?」くらいのニュアンスです。 一つ目の例文は、食事と一緒に飲み物お持ちしましょうか?となり、 二つ目は、いつ飲み物お持ちしましょう?となります。 失礼な言い方ではないですが、ちょっとカジュアルなので使い方に気をつけましょう。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • 1. Shall I bring you your drink now?

  • 2. Are you ready for your drink?

  • 3. Can I get you a drink?

In the case of 1 and 2, this is the situation as per the question, that the customer has ordered a drink but for some reason it was not served immediately (perhaps it wasn't paid for - or perhaps there was no table available?). In the case of 3, the customer is being asked for the first time if a drink is required. Drinks are usually served immediately after ordering in most countries.
1と2は、顧客が飲み物を注文したが、何らかの理由ですぐには提供されなかった(支払いは行われていない、またはテーブルがなかった場合など)。 3の場合は、飲み物が必要かどうかお客さんに尋ねる場合のものです。ほとんどの国で、飲み物は通常、注文後すぐに提供されるものです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Something to drink

  • When to take a drinks order

"Are you ready to order drinks?" "May I, take your drinks order?" "Would you, like something to drink?"
"""Are you ready to order drinks?"" お飲み物の注文はありますか? ""May I, take your drinks order?"" 飲み物のご注文を承ります。 ""Would you, like something to drink?""" 何かお飲み物は如何ですか?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready for your drink?

  • Would you like me to bring you your drink now or with your meal?

We can use the above sentences in the plural forms: Are you ready for your drinks? Would you like me to bring you your drinks now or with your meals?
複数形にしてこれらのフレーズを使う事ができます: Are you ready for your drinks? Would you like me to bring you your drinks now or with your meals?
Boris S DMM英会話講師
  • When should I bring your drink/drinks?

  • When would you like your /drinks?

When' This question word is used to refer to a time or an occasion. Examples: At 12 In 15 minutes with our meal ____________________________________________________________________________________ 'should' and 'would' 'should' is used with first person pronouns (I and we) 'would' is used with second and third person pronouns (you, he, she, it, they) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Drink or drinks Drink (singular) - used when referring to one person. Drinks (plural) - used when referring to more than one person.
When' いつ何かがおこったかを聞くための単語です。 例: At 12 In 15 minutes with our meal ____________________________________________________________________________________ 'should'と 'would' 'should'は一人称代名詞の時に使われています。 (I and we) 'would' は二人称代名詞や三人称代名詞の時に使われています。 (you, he, she, it, they) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Drink か drinks Drink (単数形) - 一人の時に使います。 Drinks (複数形) - 一人以上の時に使います。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get you something to drink

  • Would you like to order something to drink

  • Would you like the wine list

When asking someone if they would like to order drinks, it can depend on the place you work as to how they would like you to do this. You could ask when you give them the menu - "Can I get you a drink to start?" Or when you come back to get the order - "Would you like the wine list?" Or if you see a customer requires something and you know they haven't ordered any drinks you can ask "Can I get you something to drink?"
飲み物を注文したいか尋ねる場合、どこで働いているかによるかもしれません。 例えばメニューを渡す時に - "Can I get you a drink to start?"(まず飲み物をお持ちしましょうか) または、注文を聞きに戻ってきた時に - "Would you like the wine list?"(ワインリストもございますが) もしくは、客が何かを必要としていることに気付いて、まだその客が飲み物を注文していなかったら - Can I get you something to drink?(飲み物お持ちしましょうか)
Christabel DMM英会話講師
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