世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/27 19:37
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  • The less full one (is mine).

  • The one with less (is mine).

  • The emptier one (is mine).

「〜方が」の言い方は色々ありますが、今回は: The one with less The less full one The emptier one (こちらはあまり使いませんが、伝わります) が最適と思います。 最後に「is mine」を言っても言わなくてもオッケーです。
  • The one with less is mine.

  • The one with more is yours.

  • This one.

こんにちは。 ・The one with less is mine. 少ない方が私のです。 ・The one with more is yours. 多い方が君のです。 ・This one. こっち。 上記のような言い方ができます。 最後の例は指差しながら「これ!」とだけ言うのもありということです。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Mine is the one will the least in it

  • Mine is the one that is less full

  • Mine is the one thats not as full

When going out for a drink other people might be drinking the same drink as you and it can be hard to make sure what one is yours. if you know yours doesn't have as much in it then you can say the 'least in it' , 'less full' or 'not as full'
飲みに行って、他の人が自分と同じ物を飲んでいると、どれが自分のなのかよく分からなくなることがあります。量が少ない方が自分のだと分かっているなら、'least in it' 'less full' または 'not as full' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "Mine is the one that's less full"

  • "My tea is the one with less in it"

  • "The one with less in is mine"

If you are drinking a drink that is the same as someone else's and the person asks you which one is yours and you want to explain that it is the one that is less full than yours, you could say any of the following: "Mine is the one that's less full", "My tea is the one with less in it" or "The one with less in is mine". Any three of these sentences would adequately explain what you are trying to communicate.
他の人と同じ飲み物を飲んでいるときに、どちらが自分のか尋ねられ、量が少ない方だと答えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Mine is the one that's less full"(量が少ない方が私のです) "My tea is the one with less in it"(私のお茶は量が少ない方です) "The one with less in is mine"(量が少ない方が私のです) 上記三つどれを使っても、あなたの言いたいことを伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • The glass that is less full is mine.

  • This glass is mine, the one that has less in it.

You can even reverse it and say, "The one that has more in it isn't mine, the one that is less full is mine." Pointing is very helpful as well. "This one is mine, the glass that has less drink in it." Or you could point and say, "This one is mine."
逆さまにして次のように言うこともできます。 "The one that has more in it isn't mine, the one that is less full is mine." (たくさん入っているのは私のではありません、少ない方が私のです) 指で指し示すのも有効です。 This one is mine, the glass that has less drink in it. (これが私のです、量が少ない方のグラスです) または、指で指し示して "This one is mine."(これが私のです)と言うこともできます。
Erika L DMM英会話講師
  • The one with less in is mine

This is the sentence that would most commonly be used in this context in England. We would probably say 'less' meaning the one that has a smaller amount in it. But you could also say "The emptier one" or "The smaller one". All of these would be correct.
イングランドでは普通この場面では上記のように言います。 おそらく「より少ない」という意味の 'less' が使われますが、"The emptier one" または "The smaller one" も使えます。どれも正しいです。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • Mine is the one with the least liquid

  • There's more in yours than mine

If you are drinking the same drink as someone else, and that person asks you which one is yours, you may use any one of the above exampled responses.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Mine's the one that's less full.

  • Mine is nearly empty.

When someone asks you which drink is yours, you can say: "Mine's the one that's less full." "Mine is nearly empty."
「(飲み物について)あなたのはどっちですか」と聞かれたら、次のように言えます。 "Mine's the one that's less full."(量が少ないのが私のです) "Mine is nearly empty."(私のはほとんど空です)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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