She quit school because someone who did so before her enticed her to do so.
"She quit school"=「彼女は学校を辞めた」
"because someone who did so before her enticed her to do so."=「なぜかというと、彼女の前にそうした人が彼女をそそのかしたから。」
☆「そそのかす」は他にも"to temp (someone)"という表現も使えます。
例文:"She tempted me with a promise of making big money."=「沢山お金を稼げる、という約束で彼女は私をそそのかした。」
That guy who quit school first egged her on to quit school as well.
The person who quit school before enticed her to drop out of school too.
ーThat guy who quit school first egged her on to quit school as well.
guy who ... first で「先に…したやつ」と言えます。
to egg someone on to ... で「人に…するようけしかける」
ーThe person who quit school before enticed her to drop out of school too.
person who ... before で「先に…した人」
to drop out of school で「退学する」