Sometimes he is cool, but he is cute at other times. Every time I see him, he shows a different side of him. The difference is so attractive to me.
Sometimes he is cool, but he is cute at other times. Every time I see him, he shows a different side of him. The difference is so attractive to me.
と言えます。a different side of him として、『彼の異なる面』と表現しています。
attractive 魅力的な、人を引き付ける、興味をそそる
difference 相違の程度、差、ギャップ
every time 毎回~するたびに
Sometimes he's very cool, and other times he's incredibly cute.
「ある時は〜、またある時は〜」という表現は英語で「Sometimes... and other times...」を使います。このフレーズで、異なる状態や特徴を交互に示すことができます。
例えば、「彼は、ある時はとてもかっこよくて、またある時はとてもかわいい。」と表現したいときは、 "Sometimes he's very cool, and other times he's incredibly cute." となります。