The lint from this towel always gets on my other laundry.
Whenever I wash this towel, it leaves little pieces of fabric on my other laundry.
ーThe lint from this towel always gets on my other laundry.
lint で「毛羽・糸くず」
ーWhenever I wash this towel, it leaves little pieces of fabric on my other laundry.
little pieces of fabric で「細かい繊維」
The fibers from the towel stick to (other) clothes.
「繊維」はFiberと言います。このfiberは「植物繊維」(dietary fiber)と同じですね。
「〜につく」はstick toまたはcling toです。特に静電気でつくときにclingは自然です。
例文:After washing, the towel fibers cling to my other clothes.