I'm inspired by his/her/their always pushing forward.
「立ち向かう姿に心打たれる」を直訳すれば、「I'm touched by his/her/their appearance of fighting against」になります。もちろん文法的に間違っていませんが、ちょっと不自然です。
なので、「I'm inspired by his/her/their always pushing forward.」を使います。
A: 何故そのアイドルが好き?
Why do you like that idol group?
B: 彼らの一生懸命頑張って立ち向かう姿に心打たれる…私も頑張ろうと思える。
They're always giving their best and I'm inspired by their always pushing forward. It makes me think that I also want to give my best.
"I am struck by the way they stand up to the challenge."
"I'm blown away by how they always give their best effort."
- "I am struck by the way they stand up to the challenge."
"I am struck by ~" 「〜に心打たれる」
"stand up to the challenge" 「立ち向かう姿」
- "I'm blown away by how they always give their best effort."
"I'm blown away by ~" 「〜に心打たれる」
"how they always give their best effort" 「立ち向かう姿」・「いつも一所懸命に頑張っている」
"always" 「いつも」