世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/09/03 18:55
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  • Which queue are you in?

  • Which line are you in?

順番を待つ人の列のことを"line"や"queue"と言います。一般的に、lineは北米、queueはイギリスで使われています。 Which queue (line) are you in? 「どちらの列に並んでいますか。」 「(この)列に並んでいますか」と聞きたい場合は"Are you in (this) line?" です。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Excuse me, are you in this line/queue or that line/queue?

  • Excuse me, are you next in line?

"Excuse me, are you in this line/queue or that line/queue?" - 'this line or that line' is a way of asking the person to tell you which line they are in. "are you next in line" - this asks whether you or the other person are the next person to be served in this line. I hope this helps :)
"""Excuse me, are you in this line/queue or that line/queue?”(すみません、この行列に並んでいますか?/この行列に並んでいますか、それともあの行列に並んでいますか) “this line or that line’”はその人がどの列に並んでいるのかを尋ねる方法です。 ""are you next in line""はその人がその列の先頭であるのかを尋ねています。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, which line are you in?

  • Excuse me, are you in this line?

  • Excuse me, are you in this line or that line?

The usual word for a line of people is 'Queue'. However, if you are actually in a queue, you could equally say. 'Line' meaning 'a line of people' as the context is clear. The person probably wants to be in the queue that gets him to the end the quickest!
人々の行のための通常の言葉は queueです。しかし、実際に待ち行列の中にいれば、同じように言うことができます。 「Line」は文脈が明確であれば「人の列」を意味します。その人はきっと一番短い待ち行列を探しているんでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which queue are you in?

  • Which line are you in?

  • Are you in both queues?

When you ask someone if you are in both queues you are being sarcastic. People will often stand in the middle to see which queue moves quicker. This is very unfair to other people who are waiting. I often ask them to 'pick a queue, any queue.' Which basically means get out of the middle and stay in one queue only. Hope this helps Jane :)
もし相手が両方の列に並んでいるのか聞くなら、皮肉な感じになります。 人々はどちらの列のほうが早いかわからないので、真ん中に立つこともありますね。 これは他の待っている人に対してとても不平等です。 私はよくそういう人に、Pick a queue, any queue. と言います。 これは真ん中にいないで、どちらかの列を選んでくださいという意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me? Which line/que are you in?

  • Are you in the left or right que?

Excuse me? will get the persons attention. Which line/Que are you in ? asks them which one they are in. Are you in the left or right line/Que?. asks them which side they are standing.
Excuse me?は、相手の注意をひく表現です。Which line/Que are you in?:これは相手がどの列にいるのか尋ねる表現です。 Are you in the left or right line/Que? :これはどちらに並んでいるのか尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A) Excuse me which line are you queued in?

  • B) Sorry,which line is this?

A) Excuse me which line are you queued in? *Excuse me-used as a polite apology in various contexts, such as when attempting to get someone's attention, asking someone to move so that one may pass, or interrupting a speaker. *Which-asking for information specifying one or more people or things from a definite set. Example-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" *Line-a row of people or things. Example-"a line of altar boys proceeded down the aisle" *Queued-take one's place in a queue. Example-"in the war they had queued for food" B) Sorry,which line is this? *Sorry-used to express apology. Example-"sorry—I was trying not to make a noise" *is-third person singular present of be. *this-used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced. Example-"is this your bag?" I hope this helps :-)
A) Excuse me which line are you queued in? *Excuse meは、様々な場面で、注意を引き付けたり、道を退いてもらったり、話し手を遮る時などで使います。 *Which-どの、どれ 例-"which are the best varieties of grapes for long keeping?" 一番長くもつブドウの品種はどれですか? *Line-人や物の列 例-"a line of altar boys proceeded down the aisle" 祭壇の子の列が通路を過ぎていく。 *Queued-人の待っている列 例-"in the war they had queued for food" 戦時中の配給の列 B) Sorry,which line is this? *Sorry-謝罪を伝えるのに使われます。 例-"sorry—I was trying not to make a noise" ごめんなさい、うるさくしたくなかったのだけど。 *is-beの三単現。. *this-これ、この... 例-"is this your bag?" これはあなたのバッグですか? お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, which line/que are you in?

Excuse me, which line/que are you in? - This is a polite way to ask which line they are in.
Excuse me, which line/que are you in? 相手がどの列に並んでいるのか尋ねる丁寧な表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Which line are you in?

  • Are you in this queue?

If you would like to ask the person in front of you which line they are in, you can say: "Which line are you in?" "Are you in this queue?"
「どちらの列に並んでいますか」と自分の前に立っている人に確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Which line are you in?"(どちらの列に並んでいますか) "Are you in this queue?"(こちらの列に並んでいますか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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