The same person perceives things differently in different mental states.
- The same person perceives things differently in different mental states.
- How people think about and interpret certain events and things varies from person to person.
- But, I want to say that even the same person can see things differently in different situations.
- For example, a wayside flower may seem beautiful during happy times, but during unhappy or difficult times that same flower may cause you to be annoyed.
- Or in contrast, a person suffering from a serious illness may come to notice the beauty of the world.
"A person will perceive the same thing differently depending on their mind set."
"A person will perceive the same thing differently depending on their mind set."
"a person" 「人は」
"will perceive ~" 「〜捉える」
"the same thing" 「同じこと」
"differently" 「異なる」
"depending on ~" 「〜によって」
"their mind set" 「彼の精神状態」