- Changes in atmospheric pressure causes the autonomic nervous system to not work properly and also causes veins to tighten.
- When the atmospheric pressure changes, it causes autonomic imbalance vasoconstriction.
Changes in pressure affects the nervous system, reducing blood flow in the body.
- Headaches due to changes in the weather. I have chronic headaches but have severe headaches 2 or 3 times a month.
"Changes in atmospheric pressure cause autonomic imbalances which can lead to tension and vasoconstriction."
"changes" 「変化」
"atmospheric pressure" 「気圧」
"autonomic imbalances" 「自律神経のバランスが崩れ」
"which can lead to ~" 「〜をを招く」
"tension" 「緊張」
"vasoconstriction" 「血管の収縮」"constriction of blood vessels" も言えます。