I really don't want to continue living in such a run-down apartment like this.
I'm tired of living in such an old apartment.
① "I really don't want to continue living in such a run-down apartment like this."=「もうこんなボロマンションに私は本当に住み続けたくないよ。」
② "I'm tired of living in such an old apartment."=「こんな古いマンションに住むのに私は疲れた。」
I've had enough of living in an old apartment building like this.
I don't want to stay in this dump for one more day.
ーI've had enough of living in an old apartment building like this.
ーI don't want to stay in this dump for one more day.
dump はもともと「ごみ捨て場」という意味があり、薄汚れたオンボロの場所などのことを言うときにも使われます。