There was a mistake with the product that was sent, so it can't be used.
There's no way to make it with that incorrect material.
「間違えて送ってきたものでは製品が製造できず、使えません」は英語で「There was a mistake with the product that was sent, so it can't be used.」と言います。
また、「そんなもの(違う原料)は使えるはずもなく製品が作れません。」と説明したいなら、これは「There's no way to make it with that incorrect material.」という風に言えます。
”We were sent the wrong material by mistake and it can't be used to make the product."
”We were sent the wrong material by mistake and it can't be used to make the product."
"we were sent the wrong material" 「違う資料を送ってきた」
"by mistake" 「間違えて」
"it can't be used" 「使えません」
"to make the product"「製品が製造する」