世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 10:12
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  • What's the going price for this product?

  • What's the usual price for this?

  • How much does this cost on average?

日本語の「相場」という言葉は比較的簡潔ですが、英語への翻訳は少し長めです。ここでは主要な用語をご紹介します: - market price - market rate - going price - average/usual/standard price これらは「この商品の相場はいくらくらいですか?」という疑問を英訳するのに使えます。具体的な表現を以下に示します: - What's the going price for this product? - What's the market price for this product? - How much does this (product) usually cost? - What's the usual price for this? - How much does this cost on average? この他にも多彩な用途の表現方法を紹介します: What's the going price for a graphic designer, if we were to use one? (もしも僕たちがグラフィックデザイナーを雇うとすれば、その相場はいくらですか?) That really depends on the details of the job. (それは仕事の詳細次第だと思います。) --- Man, these coconuts are really cheap! Aren't they usually 700 yen? (そのココナッツすごく安い!普段は700円くらいでは?) Well of course they're cheap. This isn't Japan after all--we're in the Bahamas. (当然安いと感じるよ。何しろこれは日本ではなくバハマなんだから。) --- That'll be 100 bucks for the repair job. (その修理は100ドルになります。) Excuse me? The going price is 50. (すみません、その相場は50ドルのはずです。)
  • ① What's the going rate?

  • ② What's the price everywhere else?

「① What's the going rate?」は「相場はいくら?」の意訳です。 但し、何を買うかによって、またはどの国にいるかによって伝わらない場合も想定されます。例えば英語を使わない国だと、観光業でもこういう表現があるかわからない商人もいます。 それだったらもっと平たくて優しい「② What's the price everywhere else?」を推奨します。 因みに私はタイにいる時はで色々物を買いまいすが、相場を知りたい場合自分で他社を尋ねます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • How much does this usually cost?

  • What's the average price for 〜 in 〜 ?

How much does this usually cost? = これは普段どれくらいの値段ですか? What's the average price for 〜 in 〜 ? = 〜(もの)の平均金額は〜(場所)で幾らですか? どちらも同じ意味をですが、後者の聞き方の方が場所も含まれてるのでピンポイントかもしれません。 What's the average price of a can of beer in the Philippines? = フィリピンの缶ビールは平均的に幾らしますか? How much is a can of beer in the Philippines? = フィリピンでは缶ビールって幾ら? 平均とか気にせずこう質問しても大体の人は平均を述べるかと思います。
  • What is the usual price.

This means you would like to know how much the product cost before the discount so that you can see if it is a good deal. For example: Shop assistant:The dress is going for $20 today You: How much do you usually sell it for? Shop assistant: It usually goes for $30
これは、それがよい取引知るために、割り引き前の製品の値段は、いくらか知りたいという意味です。 例文 Shop assistant:The dress is going for $20 today このドレスは今日は20ドルです。 You: How much do you usually sell it for? いつもはいくらで売っているのですか? Shop assistant: It usually goes for $30 いつもは30ドルです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What's the usual cost of this product?

  • How much does this product cost normally?

We can ask this in a couple of ways, such as:- 1. What's the usual cost of this product? The usual cost of something is how much it normally sells for when there are no discounts, promotions etc. 2. How much does this product cost normally? The word 'normally"mean generally, commonly, ordinarily.
以下のようにいくつかの方法で尋ねることができます。 1. What's the usual cost of this product? 「The usual cost of something 」とは、割引やプロモーションがないときにいくれで売られているかということです。 2. How much does this product cost normally? 「normally」という言葉は、一般的に、普通に、一般にという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What is the going price of this product?

  • What is it retailing for at the moment?

1. What is the going price of this product? "Going price" is a very casual term which basically means "What is this product selling for at the moment?" Another similar way to phrase it would be: "What is it going for at the moment?" 2. What is it retailing for at the moment? Here you would also like to know what the retailers are charging for it right now (at the moment). Retailers are the businesses or companies that sell products.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What's the normal price for this item?

  • What's this cost usually?

  • What was the presale price for this?

You are in a furniture superstore and are amazed by the wide selection available. You have found a wonderful Chesterfield leather sofa in exactly the right colour. It is extremely comfortable and has a wonderful high back - which is exactly what you want! the sale price is $600 but you are intrigued to know what the price before the sale was: "Excuse me, what was the presale price for this sofa?" "This one usually costs $1,500." "OK, thanks!"
大きな家具店に来ていて、品揃えの多さにびっくりしている。 チェスターフィールドの革製の自分の好みの色のソファを見つけた。 背もたれも良いし、座り心地もすごく良い。 値段はセール中で600ドルだが、元々の値段が知りたい。 会話例 "Excuse me, what was the presale price for this sofa?" すみません、このソファのセール前価格はいくらですか? "This one usually costs $1,500." これは普通1500ドルです。 "OK, thanks!" ありがとう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How much does this product usually cost?

  • What is the average cost of this product?

  • How much is this usually?

"How much does this product usually cost?" or "What is the average cost of this product?" are both appropriate for casual and formal situations. "How much is this usually?" is more familiar.
"How much does this product usually cost?" "What is the average cost of this product?" という2つの例文について これらの表現はカジュアルな場面でも、フォーマルな場面でも適切です。 "How much is this usually?"という例文について この文はより一般的です。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • What is the normal price range for this product?

  • What is the usual price for this item?

  • How much does this usually cost?

"What is the normal price range for this product?" You can say this when you want to know what the average price is .You may not be asking for the specific price but an idea of the cost in general
"What is the normal price range for this product?" この商品の値段の相場はいくらですか? その商品の平均の値段を知りたいときに使うことができる表現です。具体的な値段を聞いているのではなく、一般的な値段を聞いていることになります。  
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • How much does this product normally cost?

  • What is the normal price for this product?

If you would like to ask someone what the normal price of a product is, you can say something like "How much does this product normally cost?How much does this product normally cost?" or "What is the normal price for this product?".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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