Working remotely has become normal recently, but I feel that productivity decreases compared when employees come into the company. If I were the boss, I would really dislike the idea of employees working remotely due to the become lazy and slacking off.
「従業員がサボってたら嫌だ」は英語で「I really dislike when employees slack off」と言います。
また、「リモートワークも一般的になってきましたが、リモートワークは出社するより効率が下がる気がします。もし自分が社長で雇い主がリモートワークで怠けていたら嫌です」と説明したいなら、「Working remotely has become normal recently, but I feel that productivity decreases compared when employees come into the company. If I were the boss, I would really dislike the idea of employees working remotely due to the become lazy and slacking off.」という風に言えます。
- I hate it when employees slack off.
- I don't like it when employees slack off.
- Remote work has become more common I feel like it is less efficient compared to physically going to the company. I would hate to be the president/manager/director and have my employer slack off by working remotely.