Although blue dye comes from the indigo plant, it is bluer than indigo.
dye: 染める
indigo: 藍
bluer than indigo: 藍より青い
まず意味は、「昔、青色の染料は植物の藍(あい)の葉からとるが、その青色が原料となっている藍の葉よりも青かったことから、弟子が師を超えていくことのたとえ。」 から
The student may surpass the teacher.
One day the student will become the teacher.
The pupil/apprentice/student has outdone the teacher.
The student has surpassed the teacher.
The student has become the master.
(the student has) eclipsed, surpassed, exceeded, outgrown, outdone (the teacher)
また、ソーシェルメディアでよく使われるのは、The student has become the master.です。