世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/02 23:24
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  • What do you like/not like about ~~~??

  • What's so good/bad about ~~~??

①What do you like about ~~~??「何々の何が好きなんですか?良いんですか?」 What do you not like about ~~~??「何々の何が嫌いなんですか?嫌なんですか? 基本的に物でも食べ物でも人でも使えます。 例)A: What do you like about that girl? あの女の子の何が好きなの? B: She's very thoughtful and funny. 思いやりがあって、楽しいとこ。 ②What's so good about ~~? 何々の何がそんなに良いの?  What's so bad about ~~? 何々の何がそんなに悪いの?嫌なの? このフレーズは①同様基本的に何でも使えます。が、人について聞くさいにはその人の名前をそのまま当てはめるより、シチュエーションを説明する文を当てはめるほうがより自然かもしれません。 例)数学の先生Mr. Smithの良さを訪ねる時。 What's so good about Mr. Smith? 「Mr. Smithのどこがいいの?」→もちろん通じます。 What's so good about having Mr. Smith as your Math teacher?「Mr. Smithの数学の先生として良いところは?」⇒より具体的で答えやすい。
  • What do you like about ___?

  • Why do you find ___ to be interesting?

  • Is there anything you don't like about ___ ?

一番シンプルでダイレクトなのが What do you like about ___? 例:What do you like about numbers? What do you like about baseball? もう少しフォーマルな聞き方は Why do you find ___ to be interesting? 例:Why do you find numbers to be interesting? Why do you find baseball to be interesting? セットで、「じゃあ○○の嫌いなところはありますか?」と聞く場合: I see...Is there anything you don't like about ___? が一番自然だと思います。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • What's your favorite part of math?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳例} What's your favorite part of math? 数学の好きなどんなところが好きですか。 {解説} part は「部分, 一部」という意味ですね。 [one's favorite part of+目的語]で「(目的語)の好きなところ」となります。 of の代わりに about が使われることもあります。 動詞を「目的語」にするときには動名詞(doing)にしてください。 {例} What's your favorite part of playing basketball? バスケットボールのどこが好きですか。 【出典:Greenville Daily Reflector-Jan 18, 2017】 What's your favorite part about playing basketball? バスケットボールのどこが好きですか。 【出典:Verde Independent-Feb 2, 2017】 What's your favorite part of the job? この仕事のどこが好きですか。 【出典:W Magazine-Aug 25, 2016】 What's your favorite part about being an actress? 女優のどこに魅力を感じますか。 【出典:Twist Magazine-Nov 29, 2016】 ~~~~~ 参考になれば幸いです。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • Why do you like maths?

  • What's so special about maths?

  • What do you enjoy about maths?

In the UK we say 'maths' not 'math'. 'Maths' is an abbreviation of 'mathematics' which includes all types of calculations: calculus, trigonometry etc. that is why it is 'maths' and not 'math'. Any of these expressions is adequate for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like about..?

  • Why don't you like...?

Asking questions are easy, you just have to be specific. Remember, asking questions is all about getting information, because you are interested in the person or what they do or like. What do you like about mathematics/sports/books? I like mathematics, because I like numbers. Why do you like that person? I like her because she is honest and funny. What is your favorite movie/song/sport/book/color/restaurant? When are we going to the cinema? We can go this weekend, if you are free. Who is your favorite movie star/soccer player/author? Why don't you like vegetables?
尋ねることは簡単です。 しかし、もっと明確に尋ねる必要があります。 覚えて欲しいのは、興味があるから情報を得たいと思ったから質問する、これが質問の理由です。 例 What do you like about mathematics/sports/books? I like mathematics, because I like numbers. Why do you like that person? I like her because she is honest and funny. What is your favorite movie/song/sport/book/color/restaurant? When are we going to the cinema? We can go this weekend, if you are free. Who is your favorite movie star/soccer player/author? Why don't you like vegetables?
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What interests you in Maths?

  • Why does it interest you?

What interests you in Maths? Interests – noun - the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. Asking someone to tell you exactly why they like this subject, or other things. Why does it interest you? Similar to above. These two questions are open, they invite the person to open up and list reasons and excuses to why/why not they don’t like something.
What interests you in Maths? Interests – 名詞 - 誰かあるいは何かについてを知りたい/学びたい状態。 この文は、なぜこれが好きなのか、あなたに教えてくれるように頼むものです。 Why does it interest you? 上記と同様で、 これらの2つの質問では、なぜ何かが好きなのか/好きではないのか理由を求めるフレーズです。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like about mathematics?

When you ask someone : What do you like about mathematics? You are actually asking: In relation to mathematics, or concerning mathematics, why is it that you like it? In this case, you have used 'about' as a preposition grammatically. The person might respond by saying: What I like about mathematics is the logical thinking it builds in me. Because mathematics works logically, I find it very useful to me.
What do you like about mathematics?と聞くと、実際は「数学について、数学に関係して、あなたがすきなのはなぜですか?」と聞いていることを同じです。 この場合、文法的に言うと前置詞の about を使っていますね。 相手はこう言って返事をするかもしれません。 What I like about mathematics is the logical thinking it builds in me. Because mathematics works logically, I find it very useful to me. (私がなぜ数学が好きかと言うと、数学によって私は理論的になるからです。 数学は理論的なので、私にとってはとても役に立つと思います。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What do you like about ... ?

  • Can you tell me what you find interesting about ... ?

To ask someone what they like about something, you can say: "What do you like about ... ?" "Can you tell me what you find interesting about ... ?"
「...のどこが好きなのですか」は次のように言えます。 "What do you like about ... ?" "Can you tell me what you find interesting about ... ?" (...のどこが好きなのですか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • What's it about math(s) that you like?

  • What part of math(s) interests you most?

Math or maths, depending on what country you are from has many different sections to it, these questions are asking which element of math you prefer and why you like it.
数学は地域によって、'math' か 'maths' と呼ばれます。 数学にはさまざまな分野がありますね。これらの質問では、数学のどこがなぜ好きなのかを尋ねています。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
  • What do you like about (subject)?

  • What interests you about (subject)?

  • Why do you like (subject)?

If we would like to find out why a person likes a particular subject matter, we can simply as 'why do you like it?' We can also ask 'what do you like about it?', 'why does it interest you?', 'why do you enjoy it?' etc. These are all perfectly acceptable ways to express that you would like to know why someone likes/enjoys doing something.
「~のどこが好きなのですか」はシンプルに 'why do you like it?'(どこが好きなのですか)と言えます。 他に、 'what do you like about it?'(どこが好きなのですか) 'why does it interest you?'(どこが好きなのですか) 'why do you enjoy it?'(どこが好きなのですか) などと言うこともできます。 これらは全て「~のどこが好きなのですか」と言うとき、使うことができます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I was wondering what you like about...

  • What is it exactly that you like about...

  • What do you like/dislike about...

If you want to ask someone what it is they like about something, you may start your sentence by saying something like "I was wondering what you like about..." or "What is it exactly that you like about..." and then continue with whatever the topic is you would like to ask them about.
「...のどこが好きですか」は、次のように言えます。 "I was wondering what you like about..."(...のどこが好きですか) "What is it exactly that you like about..."(...のどこが好きですか) "about" の後に相手の好きなことを続けます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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