When I date someone, I don't force my opinion or my way of doing things on the other person.
I accept them for who they are and don't talk to them about it. If I get tired, the relationship will just die out.
If the other person decides to go away, I don't chase after him/her.
"When I date someone,"=「誰かと付き合うとき」
"I don't force my opinion or my way of doing things on the other person."=「相手に自分の意見がやり方を押し付けない。」
"I accept them for who they and are don't talk to them about it."=「その人たちをそのまま受け入れて、それについて話すことはない」
"If I get tired, the relationship will just die out."=「もし疲れたら、その関係は自然消滅する。」
"If the other person decides to go away, I don't chase after him/her."=「相手が離れると決めたら、私はその人を追いかけない。」