I want to become someone who is able to assert strong willpower despite many temptations that surround us in this present age.
"I want to become someone who is able to assert strong willpower"=「強い意志力を持てる人間になりたいです。」
"despite many temptations that surround us in this present age."=「多くの誘惑に囲まれているこの時代でも。」
I want to become someone who is able to show strong willpower even in times of temptation.
I want to become somebody who is able to demonstrate strong willpower even in environments full of temptation.
「誘惑が多い環境でも」=「even in environments full of temptations」
「意思力を発揮できる人間」=「someone who is able to show strong willpower」
「になりたい」=「(I) want to become」
一般的に「人間」は「human」や「human being」といいますが、このような状況では「someone」や「somebody」の方が自然です。
「environments full of temptations」ではなくて、「times of temptation」の決まり文句を使う場合もあります。