Isn't it kind of strange for you not being able to speak English with other people?
ーDon't you miss speaking English?
to miss speaking English で「英語が話せなくて寂しい」
ーIsn't it kind of strange for you not being able to speak English with other people?
いつもできていたことができない時に、このように Isn't it kind of strange for you not being able to ...? という聞き方もできます。
Do you feel lonely not being able to speak English with others?
この場合、「英語が話せなくて[寂しくない](ですか?」を聞きたいなら、英語で「Do you feel lonely not being able to speak English with others?」と言えます。
また、「lonely」は直接使わなくて、別の自然尋ね方で「How do you feel about not being able to speak English with others?」でも言えます。日本語だと「別の人と英語が話せなくて、どんな感じですか?」という意味です。