When I eat spicy food, I think that I can feel my body's contours clearly!
Eating spicy food lets me feel the contours of my body very distinctly!
① "When I eat spicy food,"=「辛い物を食べると、」
"I think that I can feel my body's contours clearly!"=「自分の体の輪郭をはっきり感じることが出来ると思います!」
② "Eating spicy food lets me feel the contours of my body very distinctly!"=「辛い食べ物を食べると、自分の体の輪郭をはっきり感じさせてくれます!」
I feel that whenever I eat spicy food I can appreciate better my body's contour.
「辛いものを食べると体の輪郭がはっきりわかる[気がする](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/75315/)」は英語で「I feel that whenever I eat spicy food I can appreciate better my body's contour.」という風に言えます。