My ideal salary is so high so it's fine if I am unsatisfied with it.
- My ideal salary is so high so it's fine if I am unsatisfied with it.
- My ideal salary is very high (around the same salary as a very wealthy person), so even if I am unsatisfied with the proposed salary, I should be able to make enough to sustain a normal lifestyle, so I will continue in that profession without any problems.
I'm okay if my salary doesn't meet my expectations since my ideal salary is so high.
「私の理想の給料は高いから、給料に満足できなくても良い」は英語で「I'm okay if my salary doesn't meet my expectations since my ideal salary is so high.」と言います。「満足できなくてもいい」は英語で「I'm okay if my salary doesn't meet my expectations」の部分で「満足」という単語は英語には書いていませんがそのニュアンスが入っています。
My ideal salary is so high that even if I'm not satisfied with it, I can keep doing that job if I'm paid enough to support my lifestyle.