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I hand out tissues for a part-time job. と説明しましたが、合っているでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
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2016/09/21 16:21
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  • He hands out packets of tissue paper.

Part-timeは言わないで、文脈で理解する場合が多いと思います。 あの、道で配っているテイッシュは、調べた所 packets of tissue paperと言い表すようです。
Shihpin Lin 士林翻訳サービス 主任翻訳者
  • I hand out packets of tissues as a part time job.

  • My part time job is handing out packets of tissues.

>I hand out packets of tissues as a part time job. *This is indicating the your part time job is handing out packets of tissues. ............................. >My part time job is handing out packets of tissues. *The sentence is simple and explains itself. ..........***...........
I hand out packets of tissues as a part time job. アルバイトでティッシュ配りをしているということを意味する表現です。 My part time job is handing out packets of tissues. この例文は簡単に説明するだけの表現になります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • As my part time job i hand pout packets of tissues

  • I hand out packets of tissues as my part time job

A part time job is a job you do not do all the time you only do it for a few hours a day or a week so you can do other things around it as well. To hand out is to give away things to people that need them. Packets of tissues are tissues are are wrapped up or contained in a plastic bag. It is a good idea to hand out packets of tissues to stop the spread of germs to other people as cold/flu can be given to other people easily.
part time jobは、ずっとするのではなく、他のこともできるように一日に(または一週間に)数時間する仕事を言います。 to hand outは、必要な人に物を配ることです。 packets of tissuesは、プラスチックの袋に入っているティッシュのことです。 風邪やインフルエンザは他の人にうつりますので、菌が広まらないようにpackets of tissues(ポケットティッシュ)を配るのは良いアイディアですね。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My part time job is client care

  • I have a part time job in medical support

  • I'm involved in a project aiming at reducing the spread of common airborne infection

It is common these days to attach an impressive job title or description to many jobs. What were once 'delivery drivers' are now 'specialist couriers' or 'logistics experts' or 'logistic solution executives.' So working as a hander-outer of tissues may also acquire a more impressive description. "Hi Sarah. My name's Paul and I'm in electrical distribution. What about you?" "That's nice Paul. Well, at the moment, I'm involved in a project aiming at reducing the spread of common airborne infection." "Wow, that's impressive!" "Well, it's only a part time job. It's a more consultancy-type role these days." "I'd love to hear more about this fascinating work." "I'm sorry, we are not allowed to share any information concerning details of our company or it's work." Oh, I apologise. Of course!"
It is common these days to attach an impressive job title or description to many jobs.最近では職業や仕事の名前を印象深くするのが一般的です。 'delivery drivers(配送運転手)' だったのが、'specialist couriers' や 'logistics experts' 、 'logistic solution executives.'などと言った名前になっています。 つまり、ティッシュ配りの人もこういった印象的な名前をつけるといいのではないでしょうか。 "Hi Sarah. My name's Paul and I'm in electrical distribution. What about you?" やあサラ、僕はポール、電機の配送をやっているんだ。君は? "That's nice Paul. Well, at the moment, I'm involved in a project aiming at reducing the spread of common airborne infection." いいわね。ポール。んー、私は今、空気感染病の拡大を防ぐプロジェクトに関わっているんだ。 "Wow, that's impressive!" それはすごいね。 "Well, it's only a part time job. It's a more consultancy-type role these days." ただのパートタイムだけどね。最近じゃ相談タイプになって来ているけど。 "I'd love to hear more about this fascinating work." もっとその素敵なお仕事のお話が聞きたいな。 "I'm sorry, we are not allowed to share any information concerning details of our company or it's work." ごめんなさい、詳細についてはお話しすることができないの。 Oh, I apologise. Of course!" それはそうだよね。ごめんなさい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I hand out packets of tissues to people as my part time job.

  • My part time job is handing out packets of tissues for promotional reasons.

1.I hand out packets of tissues to people as my part time job. - This means that you hand out tissues as part time job. 2.My part time job is handing out packets of tissues for promotional reasons. - This means that you hand out the packets of tissues as a strategy to market a certain company.
1.I hand out packets of tissues to people as my part time job. これは、ポケットティッシュを配るバイトをしています、と言う意味になります。. 2.My part time job is handing out packets of tissues for promotional reasons. これは、 ある企業の販売促進の為にポケットティッシュを配っています、と言う意味になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My part time job is to hand out packets of tissues

>If someone is a part-time worker or has a part-time job, they work for only part of each day or week. Part-time work is generally hard to find. I'm part-time. I work three days a week. >If you hand things out to people, you give one or more to each person in a group. One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes. Food is still being handed out.
>part-time worker またはhas a part-time job,という場合、週の何日かしか働いていないという意味になります。 Part-time work は一般的に見つけるのが難しいものです。 I'm part-time. I work three days a week. 私はパートなんだ。週に3日しか働いていません。 >hand 〜〜 out to people, 手渡す、渡すという意味です。 例 One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes. 景品を手渡すのも仕事の一つだ。 Food is still being handed out. 食べ物はまだ渡されている最中だ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • My part-time work is handing out tissue paper

  • I have a part-time job where I hand out tissue paper

When you want to explain that you have a part-time job where you have to hand out tissue paper to people, then you can say: -My part-time work is handing out tissue paper -I have a part-time job where I hand out tissue paper
ティッシュ配りのアルバイトをしていると言いたいとき、以下のように言えるでしょう: My part-time work is handing out tissue paper. I have a part-time job where I hand out tissue paper. (私はティッシュ配りのアルバイトをしています。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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